SMU DataArts - Cultural Data Profile


Still Have Questions About the Study?

Check out our list of FAQs below or feel free to contact our friendly support specialists at call us at 877-707-DATA (877-707-3282).


Why is this survey important?

Arts, culture, and creativity are major contributors to improving quality of life within communities, and the arts and culture sector is an important component of many local economies. Information gleaned from SMU DataArts’ Workforce Demographics studies can help communities and organizations better understand the demographics of their current workforces and those of the communities in which they operate. To remain relevant to and representative of our changing society, these studies provide key information that can inform decisions that ensure all community members have access to opportunities available within the arts and culture sector.

What does the survey ask?

The survey asks questions about age, location, gender identity, sexual orientation, heritage, disability status and workplace perception. All demographic questions have an "I decline to state" option.

Who should fill out the survey?

Individuals who work for or are on the boards of participating organizations, as well as independent contractors. All responses are anonymous and your privacy will be protected. Individual responses will not be shared with any employer.

What will happen to your data?

SMU DataArts will collect all data anonymously and if the participation thresholds are met your organization will receive an aggregated report. Our participation thresholds are designed to provide anonymity to all survey participants. SMU DataArts is an independent non-profit with 15 years of experience in data collection, security, and analysis. Our mission is to empower arts and cultural leaders with high-quality data and evidence-based resources and insights that help them to overcome challenges and increase impact.

How was this survey developed and tested?

SMU DataArts is committed to advancing policies and practices that support diversity, equity, and inclusion across the nonprofit sector. The SMU DataArts' workforce demographics survey is the result of robust collaboration with organizations and experts from across the nonprofit and public sector, including dozens of public and private grantmaking entities, which are conducting complementary demographic data studies.

Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace

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