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Key Takeaways
Trends by Sector, Size, and Geography
What Drives Performance? Studying the Current Ecosystem
Based on data collected from over 2,500 different cultural organizations between 2016 and 2019, we examine the financial health of cultural organizations by size, sector and location to help inform funders and board members about where support may be needed now and debunk preconceived notions about certain sectors.
How prepared were organizations to weather the downturn brought about by the pandemic, and how can pre-pandemic data help organizations and funders rebuild for the future? The Working Capital Report provides insights into the arts and cultural organization’s average number of months of working capital which shows how long an organization can survive at its current expense size in the absence of revenue.
Based on data provided by over 3,800 organizations across 11 different arts and cultural sectors throughout the nation, we evaluate the extent to which earned operating revenue covers expenses so that arts and cultural organizations can gain better understanding of what drives effective performance.
A unique examination of the fundraising efforts of over 2,400 organizations across 11 different arts and cultural sectors throughout the nation to provide valuable insights and useful tools to help arts and cultural leaders tell their story, overcome challenges, and increase impact.